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Writer's pictureHelena Calderon

How Can You Assist Your Clients Living Their Lives To The Fullest

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

You may receive customers for coaching for a number of reasons. They may be at a crossroads in their lives and don't know which direction to go, they may not be satisfied in their job, or they may be in a poisonous relationship. They frequently worry that they won't be able to live the life they envision, or are unable to conceive what the ideal existence would be like.

Any of these emotions may discourage customers from making courageous decisions that might improve their lives. They could worry that they won't ever discover their calling or lead a life that is genuinely rewarding. To make matters worse, they do absolutely nothing because they are so frightened of failure. They simply aren't sure where to begin. This is the reason people come to you!

According to the transformational coach:

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According to the transformational coach:

  • Their customers' true selves are concealed inside their intrinsic essence.

  • It is possible to reclaim that core and have a contented, prosperous life.

  • Connecting with your true self is what makes the difference.

  • Once customers learn how, they can all make a better version of themselves.

The idea that everyone is born whole, with the self-assurance and spirit required to lead a meaningful life, in this month's blog theme. However, the experiences of life chip away at that assurance, forcing individuals to forget or lose touch with who they truly are. Many people work with a coach in order to commit to making significant change and focus on doing so.

The space that the transformative coach offers allows clients to rediscover who they truly are and to regain the self-assurance necessary to handle the anxiety, stress, and difficulties that come when they attempt to change their lives.

You can use a variety of strategies to help customers regain the self-assurance they require to lead the lives they envision. There is one element, nevertheless, that you should keep in mind is built into every strategy: the customer must prioritize themselves!

Most people who strive for a life with clear purpose do not prioritize their own needs by default. People who lead meaningful lives give great importance to their own wants and concerns. Although it may seem incongruous, when we put our needs first, we prioritize attending to our bodily, mental, emotional, and spiritual requirements. We manifest in alignment with our purpose and are better equipped to address the needs of others if we can strike a balance between taking care of ourselves and taking care of others. Humans have a natural inclination to care for others, but this impulse should never be used at the expense of one's own wellbeing.

Here are eight suggestions to help your customers sustain themselves in living their lives, even if it is ultimately their duty as well.

1. Live your vision

A client has to have a real direction of the life they want to lead in order to justify putting themselves first. They can prioritize jobs and projects, retain their attention, and make wise judgments when they have a clear vision. The truly major individuals, activities, and choices will seem in line with their vision, while the little matters will seem irrelevant, if not annoying. Take your customer through a visioning activity if they are unsure about their vision. You could start by inquiring:

  • Who do you hope to become?

  • What are your plans?

  • How would you like to feel?

2. Make a plan with objectives in it

The key to ensuring that your client's vision is fulfilled is to assist them in setting and achieving their goals. Goals keep your customer inspire and motivate on what they want out of life and help make the realization of the goal attainable. Once objectives are established, you coach and work together with your client on a regular basis to accomplish the desired outcomes and advance the client's vision.

3. Learn new skills

While you and your client work to define their ideal life and set objectives to accomplish it, you could discover that the client needs to pick up new talents. Spend some time determining potential growth areas and incorporating strategies into your client's strategy to close the skill level gap between the current and target levels.

4. Set personal limits

When learning to put oneself first, your client has to develop the ability to set personal boundaries. Particularly if they are "people-pleasers," this is true. Putting yourself first requires the ability to set personal limits, which is a crucial talent. Clients should become in the habit of maintaining their boundaries and resist being coerced into going outside of them.

5. Self-care is important

Setting goals and advancing yourself are just two aspects of putting yourself first. It also involves scheduling time for self-care. Clients who don't prioritize their health won't be able to live their mission or realize their life's vision, particularly if it entails helping others. Ensure your client's plan contains objectives that prioritize self-care.

6. Keep a thought journal

The average person has 60,000 or more thoughts per day. It's understandable that clients feel overloaded. Writing in a journal may help people decompress and has the added advantage of improving self-awareness, which is essential for prioritizing themselves. Learn several journaling techniques, so you can give advice tailored to each individual client. You can journal using a piece of paper and a pen or an app. Everyone has a different preferred method of self-expression. Encourage them to write, write words, or make something. Whatever benefits your client is ideal.

7. Embrace gratitude

Encourage your clients to take some time each day to think about all the good things in their lives. The best method to achieve this is by journaling. Spending a few minutes each day reflecting on the beauty of life is not only relaxing, but it also inspires fresh perspectives and opens up new opportunities.

It's simple to concentrate on the things that annoy us and overlook all we have to be grateful for. Writing down and thinking about all the things we have to be thankful for each day helps us feel less stressed and acts as a natural trigger for discovering more and more things in life for which to be thankful.

8. Find your purpose

Prioritizing oneself requires that we have a clear sense of what we want from life. It is the most fundamental, but deep, things that every individual needs in order to live a happy and fulfilled life. Our activities become arbitrary when we lack a strong sense of purpose, and we ultimately live carelessly.

Saying no to people and things that do not further our objectives and our highest benefit is made simpler by purpose. We may better determine what is essential and when it is significant by being conscious of and behaving in accordance with our life's purpose. We will be motivated to increase our efforts in leading a meaningful life if we intentionally proclaim our purpose in thought and deed.

Although it's not always simple, convincing clients that putting their needs first is crucial can pay off greatly for them. Use some or all of these techniques to aid your client in finding the self-assurance they need to live their life in accordance with who they are.

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